iNaturally Organic Inc. - Type 1 recall – June 5, 2024

CANNABIS PRODUCT RECALL: iNaturally Organic Inc. recalled Emprise CBN+CBD 50mg Softgels due to the product label having incorrect cannabinoid values – lot numbers 357055720, 357055721 & 357065721. Visit our Recalls page for more information.

Jay Shukle

Portrait of Jay Shukle, Vice President Cannabis and Liquor

Jay Shukle
Vice President Cannabis & Liquor

A career in merchandising and sales led Jay to AGLC five years ago. Following 10 years with the Intuit Global Business Division and eight years as VP of Sales for Baby Gourmet Foods Inc., he saw cannabis legalization as a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. Rallying team members towards a goal, vision or solution has been integral to Jay’s approach to modernizing the liquor business line and applying 30 years of learnings from Alberta’s liquor model to grow the cannabis sector. Jay believes that AGLC is unmatched in efficiently returning revenue to the province because of the synergy that comes from having regulatory services and business development working in tandem. 

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